Corona Virus Update

The clinic reopened on June 15, 2020.

We have sourced PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), completed a full health and safety risk assessment and have set up safety and cleaning protocols to ensure that we can keep our patients as safe as possible.

There are some changes to the usual running of our business:

Before your consultation

  • Appointments can be made by phone or by booking online
  • You will receive an email with instructions
  • If you are feeling unwell, or have any symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend your appointment. We can reschedule or do a phone/video consultation instead
  • Patients will have a triage call and will be asked whether they have symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has, and if they live with anyone who may be vulnerable. A clinical decision will be made whether they are to have a physical appointment or a remote consultation
  • Parking will be clearly marked to allow a minimum or one metre between cars and will limit the car park to two cars at a time.
  • Please arrive on time and stay in your car until asked to enter the practice by your practitioner. If not arriving by car, please wait outside until asked to enter by your practitioner

Your consultation

  • We are staggering our appointment times so that patients do not come into contact with anyone but their practitioner
  • You practitioner will be wearing PPE, gloves, masks and aprons
  • S/he will take your temperature before entering the practice with an infrared contactless thermometer
  • There will be hand sanitiser provided for patients
  • Please use your own WC before your appointment, however we do have WC facilities if needed
  • We are asking patients to bring their own mask, otherwise we can provide one for you, but there will be a cost of £1.00
  • Appointments will be 45 mins. However, the consultation time with your practitioner will be reduced to 30 mins in order to reduce the contact time. We will then spend 15 minutes cleaning so the practice is as clean and hygienic as possible for our patients to reduce the risk of infection
  • All linens from the clinic have been removed so please wear appropriate clothing
  • There will be no reception staff due to health vulnerability, so only clinical staff will be present until further notice. When safe to do so massage and yoga staff will be able to work, having undergone training on PPE and on new procedures and protocols
  • Patients will be asked to arrive on time and if possible, come alone, they will then be called to come into the clinic. If they have a chaperone, they will be asked to remain either in their car or away from the clinic until called. Children may be accompanied by one parent/guardian


  • Patients will be asked to pay by BACS to reduce contact, no cash will be accepted

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