Foot & Ankle Pain

Our feet and ankles are fantastic pieces of engineering.  They act as a base to provide stability for our upright posture with minimal muscle effort.  Plus, they allow sufficient movement and rotation to allow movement, with built-in flexibility to adapt to uneven terrain and shock absorption.   

Not surprisingly, their internal structures are very complex, with numerous small bones, joints and connective tissue. 

The most common conditions: 

These can all arise from activities such as prolonged training, heavy impact, running/walking on hard surfaces, overstriding, running downhill, or the wrong type of footwear.   

Equally, feet and ankle injuries can occur through a lack of flexibility, muscle weakness, poor posture, or misalignment. 

ankle and foot pain injury

Achilles Injury 

The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body. It plays an important role in many sports and is vulnerable to overloading.  

Ignoring a partial Achilles strain can lead to a complete rupture several weeks later. Scar tissue begins to build up around a partial rupture, which can cause a debilitating condition that can lead to chronic pain. 


  • Self-massage on the affected area 
  • Gentle stretches and exercises to be recommended by your practitioner 
  • Kinesio Taping  
  • Sports massage 
  • Braces 

Ligament Sprains 

Ligaments act as stabilisers for the foot and ankle but they can get damaged or torn. This can lead to instability and may need manual treatment or surgery if it is too severe.  

If you do not properly rehabilitate your ligaments, you may suffer with chronic pain and permanent instability.  


  • Exercise and rehab 
  • Ice to reduce inflammation and pain 
  • Avoid strenuous activity 
  • Self-massage on the affected area 
  • Gentle stretches and exercises to be recommended by your practitioner 
plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis 

Plantar Fasciitis is pain felt in the sole, across the connective tissue between your fore and hind foot.  

This can be a debilitating condition. 


  • Kinesio Taping   
  • Ice to reduce inflammation and pain 
  • Avoid strenuous activity 
  • Self-massage on the affected area 
  • Gentle stretches and exercises to be recommended by your practitioner 

Shin Splints 

Shin splints refers to a pain felt in the inside or outside of your shin bone. The pain is usually described as pressure, tightening or cramping.   It reaches a point where running can be unbearable.  

Shin splints are often caused by muscle overload, usually from running.   


  • Ice to reduce inflammation and pain 
  • Avoid strenuous activity 
  • Self-massage on the affected area 
  • Gentle stretches and exercises to be recommended by your practitioner 
shin splints

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